Divorce Done Differently
in PA™
by Lenore M.J. Myers
Throughout my 30 plus years of practicing family law, I have always sought to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
Let me help you reach your peaceful resolutions during your difficult life transition involving divorce, custody, support, alimony, and equitable distribution.
The Divorce Journey
The stress of resolving divorce, custody, support, and equitable distribution issues can take its toll on your emotional and financial well-being. If not handled properly, the effects can be devastating and lasting.
I am committed to helping my clients find a peaceful way to resolve conflict. Working together, we can explore creative solutions to meet your unique needs by considering not only the legal aspects of your situation but also the financial and emotional aspects that impact you and your family.
Together we can chart a course that will lead you toward a brighter future apart from conflict.

Different Divorce Options

If you are looking for a way to do divorce differently, then you may value the way I practice family law.
- Do you want help to choose to be part of the planning process in reaching a resolution rather than having one imposed upon you by the court?
- Do you want help to choose to avoid having the court make decisions about your life and that of your children?
- Do you want help maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of your family?
- Do you want help to minimize the emotional and financial costs for you and your family?
- Do you want help to move past current frustrations, pain, and anger and plan for a different future?
- Do you want help to preserve a relationship with the other party?
- Do you want help to choose to work together with your spouse/partner/family member to find creative solutions that will meet both of your needs?
If any of these are goals are important for you as you make the difficult life transitions involving divorce, custody, support, alimony, or equitable distribution, please feel free to contact me about your situation. I would be happy to discuss the specifics of the alternative processes available. My goal is to help you and your partner determine what is the best way to move forward to reach a peaceful resolution concerning these life issues surrounding your divorce.
Want to Know More?
If you are interested in a consultation to discuss the options available to resolve your divorce, custody issues, support, or equitable distribution issues, please contact me and I can help you investigate your options. Call me, Lenore M.J. Myers, at 215-470-3121 or email me at lmjmyers@cs.com.
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