Co-Parenting Amid COVID

Co- parenting amid COVID has been challenging in so many ways.
In the beginning, some parents took the quarantine restrictions so literally that one parent was often denied any custody by the other parent. Some parents even went so far as to keep children from the other parent simply because the other parent worked in health care and was at greater risk of being exposed to COVID. This breakdown in co-parenting amid COVID led many parents to miss out on precious time with their children until the overburdened court system could step in to set things straight.
Parents also became distrustful of and hypervigilant in how the other parent was following COVID restrictions and guidelines. This led to many disagreements and court filings. As people began to receive more information about COVID and restrictions began to be lifted, parents seemed to ease their fearful grip on their children spending time with the other parent.
Education and Co-Parenting Amid COVID
However, other issues in co-parenting amid COVID started to rise to the surface especially where remote learning became the norm. Not all parents were available to ensure that their child was logging in to attend school. School computers and other school materials had to be exchanged between parents who were not the most cooperative or communicative.
The strain of COVID restrictions also has taken its toll on the children themselves. During COVID, parents have been faced with co-parenting as their children suffered from issues such as depression, anxiety etc. or with learning issues without the benefit of hands-on school supports.
Counseling services that usually have helped to support parents resolve co-parenting issues have been limited or remote during COVID.
Family Time and Co-Parenting Amid COVID
However, it has not been all bad. In some respects co-parenting during COVID has brought out some parents’ better angels. Some parents have been able to focus and work through some communication and co-parenting issues because they had no other choice. For those parents who did work on their co-parenting skills the examples they set for their children added to supporting their children emotionally and in other ways during this crisis. The children got to spend more one-on-one time with both parents during the quarantine and other restrictions.
Parents who had to work from home were given a chance to be more of the primary caretaker than they may have had an opportunity to be in the past. With a moratorium on extracurricular activities, families were forced to spend time together doing activities to fill their free time rather than engaging in organized activities with a lot of other people. The reduction in activities for the children in some respect reduced the stress on the parents to coordinate schedules etc. Families got a chance to slow down and enjoy each other’s company.
Lastly, co-parenting during COVID has allowed parents and everybody else to take a deep breath and be thankful for their loved ones around them and the time they have had with them.
Contact Divorce Done Differently for King of Prussia Custody Issue Resolution
Co-parenting amid COVID has made some custody issues more complicated, but caring parents can make critical decisions together in a way that offers the best situation for their children. As an attorney mediator I offer creative solutions to meet each client’s unique legal, financial, and emotional needs. To set up a consultation or learn more about available services, contact me today at 215-470-3121.
Want to Know More?
If you are interested in a consultation to discuss the options available to resolve your divorce, custody issues, support, or equitable distribution issues, please contact me and I can help you investigate your options. Call me, Lenore M.J. Myers, at 215-470-3121 or email me at